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Inflation or Deflation

We all know the Fed is printing at unprecedented levels this year since Covid 19 began.  Will it lead to Inflation or Deflation, and what about Stagflation?  I’ll quote someone smarter than me on the subject:

Lyn Alden |  @lynaldencontact
“With fiscal stimulus currently in gridlock, and money supply no longer expanding rapidly from stimulus, the disinflationary solvency event from high debt that was previously held back, is beginning to play itself out. Until policymakers (or their donors) decide otherwise”.


If Deflation is the start that should lead to a steep stock market crash:

Lyn Alden |  @lynaldencontact
“There is very elevated risk in most risk assets at current time for sizable corrections in this policy environment”.


The Fed response will dictate what happens later.  We don’t know yet.
But we do know many Hedge Fund Managers, Business Owners, and Global Macro Financial Planners really like Bitcoin with Gold as a secondary hedge.  I agree with them. 

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