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Bitcoin is Going to Spin Up After this Re-accumulation

Neutral ATM has received new information that gives us added positivity on Bitcoin price action.  See this chart below, which gives creedence to a $200K Bitcoin price prediction in 2021.  It may or may not happen, but we are on track so far:

The below chart from Willy Woo shows more detail.  Neutral ATM also watches the 200 day and 325 day moving average.  We see Bitcoin as one of if not THE only liferafts for the 2020 and 2021 upheavel we have seen, and will see later on.  Here is the chart:

Neutral ATM helps customers get out of fiat currency and into a digital currency that depreciates in supply at such a rate, that it’s value appreciates exponentially, moreso than inflation.  If there is any digital currency that depreciates in supply like this, it’s Bitcoin!  Use Bitcoin as your life raft!  You will need it!  Opt out of fiat currency deception, and inflation, which eats your savings.  This next chart is the 12 month rolling percent change of spending and tax revenues coming into the US Treasury.  Stimulus and QE (quantitative easing) is keeping the economy, and the stock market alive.  This chart shows how:

Thanks to George Gammon for this chart.  With stimulus for whatever reason may be given for that stimulus the US dollar will keep losing value and Bitcoin will keep appreciating dramatically.  We expect this re-accumulation to continue for up to the next week or two.  However, when it does break out.  Bitcoin will go on a big tear.  Now we have to be patient.

Neutral ATM sells and buys Bitcoin as little as $20 at a time!  You do NOT have to buy an entire Bitcoin.  Neutral ATM is here to get everyone off of zero Bitcoin. 


Give Neutral ATM a try.  We have low rates, convenient locations and we are expanding. Contact Neutral ATM, we will answer all your questions about Bitcoin and using our ATM machines. Find a Neutral ATM Bitcoin machine location near you.